CFL play-by-play data was collected from the official website into a single database. Idiosyncrasies in the structure of the data required the development of a VBA HTML scraper into a database. The data was parsed with a method that parallels the U Sports database, making it available for future investigation.
A recent work by the author used a VBA script to parse a database of U Sports football play-by-play data (Clement 2018). The data itself was manually copied from various sources over a period of time. In order to compare the two major leagues of Canadian football, U Sports and the CFL, it became necessary to develop a similar CFL database. Data is available back to the 2004 season, and through the 2017 season 1251 games were scraped. A list of the games included is given in Appendix A.
While play-by-play data for CFL games is available at the CFL website (CFL n.d.), the format of this data shows the team with possession via their logo, which made it impossible to copy the data directly in a manner similar to what had been down with the U Sports data. Thus, it became necessary to develop an HTML scraper that could interpret the logos and return the team name.
a-Game Scraper
Since the ultimate goal was for the data to end up in an Excel sheet, the obvious choice was to develop the scraper in VBA. The CFL data structure consists of 7 columns: The first numbers the row within the game. The second column is the logo of the team currently with possession, or the kicking team in the case of kickoffs. The third, fourth, and fifth columns showed down, distance, and field position. The sixth column categorized the play as a kickoff, rush, pass, punt, field goal, or other category as appropriate, and the seventh column gave the actual description of the play. The two final columns give the away and home team scores. Table 1 gives an example of the data format used by the CFL
Field Goal
(00:00) D. DUVAL Field Goal (33 yds) - Field Goal
SCORING TIME: 15:00 - Montreal Alouettes win their sixth Grey Cup. MOP: Avon Cobourne. CDN: Ben Cahoon |
Table 1 Example of CFL play-by-play data (CFL 2009)
The code used is given below:
Sub WebScraper()
Dim appIE As Object 'creates an object that we will use to open internet explorer
Set appIE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application") 'will open IE, but in the background
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Since we’re going to be printing a lot to the sheet we don’t want to be slowed down by refreshing the visual
Dim tables As Object 'A set of objects to hold tables, rows, and data
Dim itemELE As Object
Dim rows As Long
Dim text As String
Dim StartS As Long
Dim LenS As Long
Dim URL As String
Dim x As Integer
rows = 1 'This holds the active row we’re printing on
For x = 1 To 957 '957 is the number of URLs we scraped at one time
URL = Sheets("URLs").Cells(x, 1).Value 'grabs next URL in the list
With appIE 'Opens the page
.navigate (URL)
End With
Application.Wait Now + #12:00:10 AM# 'wait an extra few seconds to make sure the page is fully loaded
Do While appIE.busy 'kills time while the page loads
text = appIE.Document.body.innerHTML 'gives us a string with all the html stuff buried in it to find dates
StartS = InStr(text, "team_2_nickname") + 28 'figuring out the road team
LenS = InStr(Mid(text, StartS, 100), Chr(34)) - 1
awayteam = Mid(text, StartS, LenS)
StartS = InStr(text, "team_1_nickname") + 28 'figuring out the home team
LenS = InStr(Mid(text, StartS, 100), Chr(34)) - 1
hometeam = Mid(text, StartS, LenS)
Cells(rows, 1).Value = awayteam & " vs. " & hometeam 'This gets the who vs who line
rows = rows + 1
On Error Resume Next
'This is the part that actually gets the play by play data.
For Each tables In appIE.Document.getElementsByTagName("tbody")
'here we need to pull the Quarter
For Each itemELE In tables.getElementsByTagName("tr")
On Error Resume Next
Cells(rows, 2).Value = itemELE.getAttribute("class") 'This line gets the possession data by finding the name of the team logo
Cells(rows, 1).Value = itemELE.getAttribute("data-playid") 'This pulls the play number
Cells(rows, 6).Value = itemELE.getAttribute("data-playtype") 'pulls the ODK
Cells(rows, 3).Value = itemELE.getElementsByTagName("td")(3).innerText 'pulls the down
Cells(rows, 4).Value = itemELE.getElementsByTagName("td")(4).innerText 'pulls the distance
Cells(rows, 5).Value = itemELE.getElementsByTagName("td")(5).innerText 'pulls the FPOS
Cells(rows, 7).Value = itemELE.getElementsByTagName("td")(9).innerText 'pulls the play description
Cells(rows, 8).Value = itemELE.getElementsByTagName("td")(10).innerText 'pulls the away score
Cells(rows, 9).Value = itemELE.getElementsByTagName("td")(11).innerText 'pulls the away score
rows = rows + 1 'pushes us onto the next line
Next itemELE
Next tables
Next x
End Sub
b-Game List
While the scraper above effectively gathers the data from individual games, it was impractical to individually open each game to pull the URL and feed into the scraper. Instead, a new scraper was developed to go through the season schedule and pull the game URLs into a list that can be then fed into the scraper. The code for this meta-scraper is included below:
Sub URLScraper()
Dim appIE As Object 'creates an object that we will use to open internet explorer
Set appIE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application") 'will open IE, but in the background
Dim tables As Object
Dim list As HTMLObjectElement
Dim rows As Integer
rows = 1
With appIE
.navigate ("https://www.cfl.ca/schedule/?season=2016") 'this is the url for the 2016 season to get the game URLs
End With
Do While appIE.busy 'kills time while the page loads
Application.Wait Now + #12:00:03 AM# 'wait an extra three seconds to make sure the page is fully loaded
For Each one In appIE.Document.getElementsByClassName("gametracker")
Cells(rows, 1).Value = one.getAttribute("data-url") 'pull the url from the gametracker
rows = rows + 1 'increment the row
Next one
End Sub
Having collected all the URLs, a simple Excel text formula added “#playbyplay” to each URL to direct the scraper directly to the play-by-play data.
Having acquired all of the play-by-play data, it became necessary to clean the data to prepare it for the parser. The first action was to convert all the team abbreviations into a uniform system. In the original data teams are referred to in varying ways, as their full name, city name, team name, abbreviations of either, or by single letter codes. As was done with the U Sports database, each team was given a three-letter code. While U Sports program codes were based on the name of the school, CFL team codes are based on the team nickname, owing to the overlap between many of the school names and city names that would otherwise create ambiguity. Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saskatchewan, Calgary, and British Columbia are all the names of cities with CFL teams and also the names of universities with football programs. Table 2 shows each of the teams and the abbreviations associated. Note that there are two teams from Ottawa, the Renegades, who existed from 2002-2005, and the REDBLACKS, formed in 2014. The CFL recognizes these two programs, as well as the previous Ottawa Rough Riders (1876-1996), as constituting a single lineage, but in this database they are being kept separate to allow for greater flexibility, and to be combined when desired.
Team Name
Team Abbreviation
Montreal Alouettes
Ottawa Renegades
Toronto Argonauts
Hamilton Tiger-Cats
Winnipeg Blue Bombers
Saskatchewan Roughriders
Edmonton Eskimos
Calgary Stampeders
BC Lions
Table 2 CFL Team Names and Abbreviations
It should be noted that the CFL data was in far better condition than the U Sports data, and required far less cleaning. Only a couple games proved to be too incomplete or corrupt to be salvaged. The next step was to include down and distance for kickoffs and converts, which are given down of 0 for bookkeeping purposes, and a distance of 10 for kickoffs, or a distance equal to the yard line for converts.
Notably, the score given in the rows is the score including any scoring on that play, whereas the convention in our dataset does not include scoring on the current play. Additionally, while clock statements appear on many plays and in the standard showing the time remaining in the quarter, clock statements also appear showing the time of the score, but these time statements show the time elapsed in the quarter. Finally, end of game statements were added at the end of each game.
The play-by-play data was parsed using much the same methods as used in the U Sports database (Clement 2018), with minor adjustments for the different data structure. The greater separation of the different attributes into separate columns simplified the task somewhat, but the end result was the same, with the same attributes for each play being parsed
The development of this database structured in parallel with the U Sports database will allow a direct comparison of the two leagues on all metrics. It also allows us to ask and then answer the question of whether the two games are fundamentally different, are their differences the result of the differences in skill level, or the small differences in rules? And if the two leagues are similar enough, does that open the door to combining their data pools, vastly increasing the level of detail in the data.
In the immediate future, the comparison of P(1D) between the two leagues will be forthcoming, since the parsed databases can directly recycle each other’s code
CFL. 2009. “2009-11-29 Game Tracker - Montreal Alouettes vs. Saskatchewan Roughriders (1641) - CFL.ca.” CFL.ca. November 29, 2009. https://www.cfl.ca/games/1641/montreal-alouettes-vs-saskatchewan-roughriders/?_ga=2.243456261.1273314109.1535482877-1819828660.1532979114.
———. n.d. “CFL.ca - Official Site of the Canadian Football League.” CFL.ca. Accessed August 26, 2018. https://www.cfl.ca/.
Clement, Christopher M. 2018. “It’s the Data, Stupid: Development of a U Sports Football Database.” Passes and Patterns. June 30, 2018. http://passesandpatterns.blogspot.com/2018/06/its-data-stupid-development-of-u-sports.html.
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